Saturday, January 17, 2009

Week 3, First Post

As you can tell by my titles, I'm really not sure how to label these posts. Oh well.

I'm not going to post as often because, frankly, it's a lot to keep up with! I'm keeping track of my daily calories and not doing anything differently on my end. I just think that posting a few times a week versus trying to do it daily will work better for all involved.

That being said, I have lost another 2lbs! I am back to my "official" pre-pregnancy weight with Mason (the weight from my first doctor's appointment). 10 more pounds and I'll be back to pre-pregnancy weight with Evan, so that's my next short-term goal.

I'm getting better and better at resisting temptations around me... for the most part. Of course I'm not perfect and on Thursday at Bible study I had some gluten-free cake that our pastor made. But I've been sticking to my eating plan and doing really well.

A typical day looks something like this:

Breakfast = 1 apple, 1/2c. nonfat yogurt, 1 cup coffee
Snack = Luna bar or piece of fruit
Lunch = Whole wheat pita with light egg salad, 1 cup raw veggies, hummus and 10 pita chips
Snack = 1/2c. cottage cheese
Dinner = 3oz fish/beef/chicken/pork, 2 cups veggies, 1/2c. whole grain rice or pasta

If I have extra calories left over, on occasion I'll have a cookie or a small alcoholic beverage as my "treat". I've been avoiding food as a reward, though - that's not the point of this adventure! My most recent "reward" was to get a good yoga mat. I just started doing some yoga and I love it!

Sunday, January 11, 2009

Week 2, Day 6

After my big screw-up last night, I was back on track today. I even took a picture of my dinner tonight because I was so proud of the balance on my plate!

I also walked/ran for 40 minutes. Sorry for the short post, but I'm off to iron!

Missteps: For your consideration

Apparently I've found my weakness: eating out with a friend.

Yesterday, a friend of mine came to visit. I haven't seen her since I got married and we were extremely close in college. A lot of our time in college involved food and/or drinking, and last night was very reminiscent of that. We had dinner together and 2 drinks. I completely blew my calories for the day (probably for a couple of days) and ended up feeling slightly sick.

The menu included:

Cheese fries dipped in ranch (we split them)
A cheeseburger with (you guessed it) french fries
2 vodka drinks
A piece of chocolate cake that we split
A piece of carrot cake

I haven't been able to figure out the exact calories, but I think it was close to 2,500 just for that dinner. My normal daily allotment is 1,800! I worked out that morning, but still - that was insane. I did well the rest of the day as far as eating healthy.

So how do I avoid this again? It's not like I don't know what I should do, but it felt SOOOO good to just partake of some comfort food and drink with my old friend. And there were salads on the menu, of course - but I hadn't had a burger or anything in a couple of weeks and I was really craving it. Also, I let myself get over-hungry. I had a very light lunch around noon yesterday, and we didn't eat until 7pm. Normally I have a small snack and light dinner.

I realize this is not the end of the world and that I can't completely deny myself the occasional indulgence. But I do feel like I over-indulged and I'm not feeling so great about that. I could have easily cut down on the calories by not having an appetizer or any dessert, which is what I will strive for next time.

So I am back to it! My husband will be off early today and I'm going to go for my first run/jog while he's home. I have done much better about spreading out my calories evenly today (I'm just past lunch and have eaten 900 calories, which is half my daily number, which is where I should be by lunch in my mind).

I guess one of the reasons for doing this blog is because I know I'm not perfect and I know most people who are trying to lose weight aren't perfect at it, either. It's incredibly hard to overcome the habits that you've made with eating, especially when you get good feelings from it. Last night it felt like we were back in college. But what I need to realize is that the habits I made in college were not necessarily good ones. I can look back on them fondly (sitting around with spoons eating directly from a tub of ice cream??), but that's not who I am now. I could just as easily have eaten a salad and had the same conversation, and next time I will be more mindful of that.

I would appreciate any advice on overcoming this sort of thing - it wasn't just the eating out, but the association I have with some of my friends and food and good feelings from it! I need better ways to spend time talking with friends that don't involve sitting around a table but that allow for conversation.

Friday, January 9, 2009

Week 2, Day 4

I skipped yesterday - it was crazy. I ended up getting called for a temp job and quite literally had no time to workout - not good! I really wanted to try the Biggest Loser Yoga.

I met with the nutritionist. She said that I was doing really well and to keep doing what I was doing. I think I could probably stand to be eating more veggies, so I'm going to work on that this week. The official weigh-in:

Start Weight: 195.4
Current Weight: 190.0
Total Loss: 5.4lbs

She also did my measurements.

Bust: 43"
Waist: 36"
Hips: 47"
Thigh: 27"
Bicep: 14"

I'm looking forward to seeing THOSE numbers go down as well. Hello, fat ass - 47"??????? Wow. Impressive.

I plan on starting to run in the next couple of days. I've picked out a running outfit that will work in this cold and I'm going to see if I can use the jogging stroller my mom has. If I can, I think I can go over to my MIL's house and run there a few times a week, and maybe run here in the neighborhood when my husband is home from work.

Today I did the Biggest Loser Yoga DVD. Some interesting points:

1. Yoga. Is. Not. Easy.
2. The whole "as long as you're breathing you'll be just fine" adage is a LIE.
3. You cannot do yoga without a yoga mat.
4. Yoga on a carpet in socks or bare feet will make you do the splits much quicker than you would like.
5. Yoga with cross-trainers is impossible and extremely uncomfortable.
6. Preschoolers can do yoga a lot easier than adults.

I made it through about 17 minutes. I'm going to stick in my 30 Day Shred and do Level One again to complete my workout.

Last night was our weekly Bible study. I did ok - chili (I had a small cup, with no sour cream and no cheese), 2 small ham/cheese/mustard biscuits, and a small handful of Kettle chips. I had water to drink - the couple that always brings the salad didn't come! I also had a very small slice of carrot cake, which cost 340 calories on its own.

Tonight I'm going to make something with chicken. Not sure what yet. I'll probably make spinach linguini and a salad with it.

Wednesday, January 7, 2009

Week 2, Day 2

Today was my first "real" test in eating out. My mom, sister, sons, and I all went to Red Robin. For those of you playing the home game, Red Robin is a deliciously calorie-packed place, with few and far between lean choices lurking in the corners.

I did fine ordering (a turkey wrap with a side salad instead of fries, and dressing on the side instead of drenched to begin with). Then my skinny minni sister sits down and promptly orders cheese sticks. For those of you who don't know me that well, I LOVE cheese sticks. I have gone to very nice places with my husband and pouted when cheese sticks weren't on the menu and had instead been replaced by something gross, like goat cheese on pickles (or something else they have labeled as "gourmet"). I knew I wanted those cheese sticks. I also really wanted the fries that came out with my son and mother's meals. I love dipping them in ranch dressing, as if being potatoes deep fried in oil doesn't pack enough of a calorie punch for you.

The cheese sticks came out. I quite literally had to shield part of my face and turn away and sort of "check out" for a few minutes. I wanted the cheese sticks, but I want my health and weight-loss more. After a couple of seconds feeling silly like that, I was able to resume normal human activity. I just pretended they weren't there and tried to think about how much better my food would taste - instead of just tasting all that grease.

I didn't have a single cheese stick or french fry. Not even a taste. I was so proud of myself!

Tomorrow I go to the nutritionist for the first time and I have to bring her my food journal. I think I've done pretty well as far as calories go, but I'm not sure that I'm getting the balance that I need. I'm almost certain I need more veggies and probably more fruits. I've been trying to make salads every night with dinner, but I'm really sick of my balsamic vinigrette. I'll probably switch back to light or fat-free ranch and have it on the side instead of on my salad. I like it better that way, because I can get a little dressing with each bite, instead of getting nothing with one bite, then pure dressing the next, etc.

Tomorrow evening will be another challenge. I go to a Bible study each Thursday and the first hour is a dinner. There's usually a salad, but most of the food is really bad for you type of stuff - chicken wings, pumpkin pie, etc. There have been nights where people brought nothing but dessert. I think I will eat ahead of time and just have a small salad if someone brings it. If not, I'm not hungry and I'm not tempted to eat the bad stuff.

Tuesday, January 6, 2009

Week 2, Day 1

It's a miracle! The baby slept for three hour chunks of time. Granted, he only did this while I had him in my wrap and was sleeping partially sitting, but for now - I'll take it.

I made pork tonight that was REALLY good! I mashed up some sweet potatoes that needed to be used and made a salad. The sweet potatoes weren't *really* healthy, but I didn't load them up with sugar or butter. Just a few tablespoons of brown sugar and butter for about 4 cups of sweet potatoes. I'm linking the recipe for the pork here.

Apple Cider Pork Chops

I got through the ENTIRE 30 Day Shred Level One without stopping - and I did the full version of push-ups and butt kicks instead of the beginner version. I'm going to stay at Level One for a few more days before moving on to Level Two. I also borrowed the Biggest Loser Yoga DVD from Mom and I plan to try that tomorrow.

Baby is screaming again.

Oh, PS - I'm using FitDay to keep track of my calories in addition to writing things down in a notebook. It's been great!

Monday, January 5, 2009

Week 1, Day 7

I didn't post yesterday because it was one of my "days off" and we've been having some pretty rough nights of sleep here with our 5 month old. As in, he wakes up every 45-90 minutes at night wanting to nurse and screams if he doesn't get it. We're trying a variety of things, but it's rough, and it makes working out pretty rough in the mornings, too.

I was only able to work out for about 20 minutes today, which is the longest stretch of time I've made it through CardioMax. I wanted to keep going and finish but the baby had different ideas. His ideas included a lot of screaming and refusing to be comforted.

I need to figure out how to spread my calories through the day better. I keep getting to the end of the day needing to eat between 300-500 calories, and it's really important for me to get those to support breastfeeding.

I also weighed in today!

Start Weight: 195lbs
Today's Weight: 191lbs
Total Loss: 4lbs

Not bad for one week! I go see the nutritionist on Thursday and I will ask her to do measurements for me then. I will also post any new information that she gives me.

I've set a goal for September. In our area there is always a race to support breast cancer research on Labor Day weekend. Thousands of women run in it - it's for women only. My goal is to run between a 9-9 1/2 minute mile and a sister is going to help me. I think she's going to run in it with me, so I'll have someone to train with.

If anyone else wants to run with us, we're going to start training (running) once a week in the next few weeks - even in the cold!

Saturday, January 3, 2009

Week 1, Day 5

Well, yesterday afternoon was interesting for working out. I was (barely) able to get in my workout with both kids awake. My preschooler (aka my personal trainer, and I'll explain why in a minute) worked out with me again. He located my 2lb dumbbells and decided that he was going to use those. The kid weighs 32lbs soaking wet and decided to lift over 10% of his body weight for fun.

So we worked out and I was struggling at one point. He looks at me, as only a kid can, and says, "Do it Mommy! I'm doing it!" Whadda guy... We finished 30 Day Shred Level One and I'm stretching, and the same kid says, "Now put in the boy DVD!" Huh??? "Yeah, THAT one!" THAT one would be CardioMax, which I have yet to get through in its entirety WITHOUT having just had my ass kicked by Ms. Michaels. I gave it my best shot and made it 10 minutes. Better than nothing.

Today my trainer is napping, so I did Level 1 by myself, after attempting 15 minutes of CardioMax beforehand. When the weather gets a bit warmer, I plan to start running in the evenings, when it will still be light outside.

I made a great salmon recipe last night, with basmati rice and balsamic glazed carrots - even the preschooler liked it! I'm linking the salmon and carrot recipes here.

Balsamic Glazed Carrots
Balsamic Dijon Salmon Filets

Total calories for a serving of each: 370. And it was a quick meal to prepare, too - about 30 minutes (if you are adding "children" to your preparations, add 15 minutes per "helper".) A 3/4 cup serving of cooked basmati rice gives an additional 160 calories. I reduced my serving to 1/3 to reduce calories.

I'm interested to see how long this takes and what I'm going to look like. I'm thinking my reward is going to be a small, quarter-sized tattoo. I've wanted one for years - why not? Along the way I'll have smaller rewards, like a new pair of jeans or a shirt for every 20lbs lost.

I need some recipe ideas or links for healthy beef dishes that aren't spicy, but flavorful. Anyone?

Friday, January 2, 2009

Week 1, Day 4 (pt.1)

As much fun as it is to workout with my son, I think I'd like to have some times where I'm able to workout with an adult. It'll give me a chance to change up my workout and also to get in some adult conversation/socialization. So, anyone in the greater C'ville area? I'd like to try some different things, too. Running, yoga, pilates, kickboxing, sports in general, etc.

I added a cookie and cocktail for my remaining calories yesterday.

Today so far: 1c. mandarin oranges, 1 1/2 slices wheat toast with 1tsp. butter, 8oz. soy milk (which equals 425calories so far today).

Snacks today will be nonfat yogurt and broccoli. I need to work in a lot more fruits and veggies, and they're better for you if they are either frozen or fresh (versus canned). I'll be making a stop at the store today for more hummus - it's a great snack for me in the afternoon and I can use it on sandwiches in lieu of mayonnaise for taste and fewer calories.

Thursday, January 1, 2009

Trying to resist temptation

I managed to resist the urge to "just swing into" a fast food place today. I was really hungry after shopping/looking with my sister and didn't think I would be able to wait and make a good decision at home. Instead of going to a fast food place and totally blowing my goals, I went and bought a small box of Luna bars, and ate one. 130 calories, lots of omega 3s, and it held me off enough to get home and satisfy my craving for something sweet/bad for me with a Slim Fast.

I'm at 1,315 calories for the day. Since I'm nursing, I need 485 more to hit my goal and not mess with being able to have enough milk for my son. Once I figure out how I'm going to achieve that, I'll do it. For now, I'm going to give a bath to the older son and persuade my husband to go to bed early to get more rest.

Week 1, Day 3

I was so sore yesterday that I only worked out to the Cardio Max DVD for 10 minutes. I suppose it's better than nothing - and I actually wore shoes this time. I think that probably added to my second day discomfort, having done the workout in bare feet. I'm still really sore today, so I'm going to walk a bunch and drink more water. I'm going to workout this afternoon and I'm committing to doing the entire 30 minute CardioMax Level 1. Tomorrow I'm going to go back to Jillian's 30 Day Shred Level 1. Let the ass kicking commence...

Food was pretty good yesterday. I switched food around a bit. I added a whole-wheat pita with lite egg salad and changed the rice to couscous (which is whole wheat). I also made mixed veggies instead of broccoli for dinner.

I went and got my food journal today (read: a cheap little notebook). So far, 2 scrambled eggs with only black pepper, 1 1/2 slices of whole wheat toast with less than 1 tsp. butter, 1/3 c. of whole milk cottage cheese, and 12oz. soy milk. I don't know the caloric values right now, but I'm going to go back and write them down in a few minutes. I have my first visit with the nutritionist a week from today, and it would be awesome if I had lost a few pounds already!

I'm going to be going out around lunch, so I think I'm going to eat beforehand so that I am not tempted by something while I'm out. I'll also save money! My egg salad was pretty good yesterday, I think I might have that again. I'm going to get some broccoli out of the freezer and cook that as well. And maybe some nonfat yogurt.

It seems to be working well to do my workout when the baby is asleep, but the preschooler is awake. He likes to do them with me and I think it makes him feel good to be moving around (especially when we're inside so much because it's really really ridiculously cold outside). I need to figure out some good "I'm really sore and feel like I can't move and I don't even want to touch my own muscles" workouts - things I can do inside or outside. I suppose doing jumping jacks and butt kicks would be better than nothing? My thighs are the only part of me still sore and I quite literally am uncomfortable having even the 5 month old sitting on my lap.
