Wednesday, December 31, 2008

Day Two, Part One

I woke up this morning feeling like I had been beaten with metal rods yesterday. My thighs, abs, back, and shoulders are so sore it's embarrassing. Since they are the areas that are the most uncomfortable, I'm guessing two things: 1) These are the areas of my body that are most out of shape; and 2) Working out today is going to be really, really hard.

I'm using this blog partially as a way to be accountable, so I'm not going to hide anything or pretend I'm doing everything perfectly. Here's my really messed up food for the day: I ate the remaining tiramisu that was sitting in my fridge for breakfast "before it went bad and so it wouldn't be sitting there anymore to taunt me." So now that I've blown my calories out of the water already (well, not entirely, it wasn't THAT much), my food plan for the rest of the day is:

-Nonfat yogurt snack
-Fresh spinach, green leaf, and tomato salad with a hard boiled egg and balsamic vinaigrette for lunch
-1/4 c. plain, store-bought hummus with one half of a whole wheat pita for snack
-Plain basmati rice, roasted beets (fresh beets not the nasty pickled kind), herbed chicken, and broccoli for dinner

At least the tiramisu is gone and I have no plans to make it again for a long, long time (the last time I made it was almost 3 years ago). I also am going to focus my cooking abilities on making really good, really tasty healthy food for meals instead of trying to find new and complicated desserts. The fajitas last night were really good. I thought they were a little spicy, but my husband loved them. I ate them without sour cream, and when my mouth was burning after, I took about a half teaspoon of sour cream by itself and ate that to cool my mouth down. And I only ate 2 and called it a night instead of continuing to eat. I let it "sit" before going back for more and felt satisfied. I also used a smaller salad plate instead of a full-sized dinner plate.

So, how am I going to work out today? My son was up every 1 1/2 hours last night so I'm completely wiped out. I'm hoping I might get to nap when my mother-in-law comes over to see the boys, and maybe that will help me to be able to work out this afternoon. I'm going to try the "Biggest Loser: CardioMax" DVD today. I'm going to do some light warm ups and stretches this morning and see if that helps my sore muscles.

Any advice from anyone out there on easing sore muscles so that you feel comfortable enough to work out? Also, any links to some good recipes for healthy eating? I like most things except for some fish/seafood and I'm not too big on really spicy stuff.

Thanks guys!


  1. Easing sore muscles... unfortunately the workout itself usually provides the most relief. Will just take 5-10 min to get into the workout and not feel stiff, but then you should be fine! ...then a hot bath afterwards!

  2. I love 30 day shred! It is so hard but you'll be amazed how your body will adapt and you'll be ready to move up the levels. It's so great that it's such a short workout. Luke loves to do it with me too. Good luck and I'll be following your blog.

  3. Kelly,
    A nice easy walk is good for easing muscle aches, and warming up a bit. I'm not sure if that's a possibility for you or not. It's always good to get the kids outside, though.
    Good luck!
    Aunt Joyce

  4. Kelly - My sister has me keep a log of everything I eat/drink, including sauces. I also have to write down what times to eat. It's been super helpful in making me eat better. I'm allowed to "treat" myself to sweets on the weekend as long as I abstain during the week. Drink lots of water, it will help your muscles recover. And KEEP GOING! You're doing great! Alyce
